Truth, Justice and the Change We Need

Every journey begins with a first step. May this journey be the one we've all hoped for.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Current Status

I must apoligize for my lack of attention to my blog. Bad time of year for me as the cold weather aggravates my heart conditions and it's been really cold this far south. Coldest teperatures since 1977 according to the Charlotte News. Nothing compared to up north, more than enough for me. Conditions under control with additional meds, but the meds really knock me out.

So patience my friends and thanks for all your comments. I'll be posting as I can.

PS, Can set up additional authors if anyone's interested?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Change We Need

Change is coming, of this there is no doubt. We have a brand New Year and in a matter of days we'll have a new President and a Congress that will work with him. They'll certainly have their work cut out for them. The problems facing this Country have been brewing for decades. Not to rain on anybody's parade, but solutions will be some time in coming.

The Big Question now is where to we go from here? I've been checking the blogs and news from both sides and what I'm seeing is the same old same old. Lots of wringing of hands, complaining and blaming everything and everybody. Enough already! Time to take a collective deep breath and get on with the business of making this Country of ours a better place. What's needed is new ideas, new thinking for this new era. The President Elect and the Congress will, I'm sure, do everything in their power to get our Country back on track, but they cannot do it alone.

Who else then? YOU ! The worst thing I've seen over the past decades is the general feeling of hopelessness that's brought about the malaise of Apathy. An epidemic that is so prevalent everywhere. What can I do? I'm just one person. Or that's not my problem. The list goes on. Yes, only one person, but multiply that one by tens of millions and we've got a big problem. A problem in that special interest, the corrupt and the inept wind up with the power to do whatever they want.

What can you do? For starters get informed. Read the blogs, news feeds and newsletters on-line. Check out the latest news on TV and maybe even read a book and not just the news that agrees with your point of view. It's hard with the hectic life of today's world I know, but try. Get involved. Write a Congressman, check out the Government web sites or back your local candidate for Mayor. Comment on a blog. Little things yes, but remember the multiplier.

Me, I'm a big fan of the blogs. I think it's the ultimate vehicle for free speech. Think about it. A place where anyone can be heard and read by thousands, sometimes millions of people. I'm constantly amazed at the thoughts and insight not only in the articles, but many times in the comments. Case in point is B_Hoskins' comment at my Happy New Year Graphic:

"We need a new paradigm for society. The capitalists tell us that capitalism makes us all richer, that a rising tide lifts all boats. Well, that water has alligators up to my ass and something needs to be done.

The value of people's work is the value of the work to the community, not what people are willing to pay. An artist is worth more than a bad doctor. A businessman is nothing but greed set on a shrine.

We need a better system of allocating resources."

This is exactly what we need more of. People coming up with new ideas for new solutions. This is the Change We Really Need.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pleasant Surprise

Being a brand new blog I wasn't expecting any traffic for months. I was very surprised to see some comments this early on.

Thank you folks and yes, even my new friend Chubby. A celebration is in order. How about some Ice Cream? Yes Pecan! (ty Renee)
